In this era of IT professional shortage, achieving the perfect match between the client’s needs and IT talent requires a solid methodology, oriented towards the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Some essential points are:
The right “know-how”: it is essential to have experience and knowledge to perform searches and interviews, only then can the appropriate candidates be selected.
Permanent access to quality talent: it is necessary to have a wide database, with proven experienced professionals, to give the client the answer they need in the time they need it.
Speak the client’s language: know how to inquire what type of project the person is needed for, what the business objective is, what technologies will be worked with, what the methodology will be, etc.
Speak the talent’s language: know their motivations, preferences, be able to evaluate their technical knowledge and potential.
At StaffRock IT we are focused on both customer satisfaction and talent satisfaction.
For us, the “perfect match” includes a comprehensive support process and added value, always to achieve an optimal result.
Let’s start making match with the best IT talent in Latin America.
It’s time to Rock IT!